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红字故事梗概英文版 红字故事梗概的主要内容是什么
2023-06-12 20:20:43【观察】
简介 1、The Scarlet Letter story is not complicated. The story takes place in the middle of the 17th century North American colonies of New England. Hester beautiful kind-hearted husband Wo Qi-Lin Adams,
1、The Scarlet Letter story is not complicated. The story takes place in the middle of the 17th century North American colonies of New England. Hester beautiful kind-hearted husband Wo Qi-Lin Adams, after missing the case of those living alone, fell in love with the youth pastor Dimmesdale, and he gave birth to a girl. After the incident, she was sentenced to chest Puritan A word to wear red (which means adultery) be publicly humiliated.Dimmesdale was not exposed, but by very ache heart of self-blame, fear all day long. Qi-Lin Adams back into the United States after Waterloo, in order to revenge, hidden buried in Dimmesdale side, with the spirit of cruel torture hound him day and night, with the result that Dimmesdale in the open their crimes after the death of another case.
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